Get Sex Offender Updates and Alerts


Sex Offender Updates and Email Alerts

Offenders move frequently, so instead of having to check the maps on a weekly basis, the best way to stay informed is to take advantage of our free email alert system. To view details about the offender including a physical description, photo and map to the offender's address, click on the "View Details" button on the link below. Searches based on geography do NOT list offenders where addresses cannot be electronically mapped. To see a list of unmappable addresses, click the related button. Searches based on city or other geographic area may not produce a reliable list of all offenders near you because boundaries used for the search may be arbitrary. Searches based on first or last name will also show any alias matching the submitted name(s) however legal name only will show on the offender's name list. If you are unsure of spelling of an offender name, try searching by the first letter or another portion of the name you are more certain of. Site will produce a list of all offenders whose name begin with the letter “B” by typing B in the name field. If you wish to return a list of offenders based on an exact keyword(s) search, enclose the keyword(s) in either double or single quotes.






You may confidentially register as many addresses in the County as you wish, and we will continuously monitor the addresses and send you an email alert if a new offender registers an address within the specified radius of any address you register. There is no cost for this service and no limit to the number of addresses you can register - your email address and physical addresses are all confidential. Tell your friends and neighbors and be sure to register your home, school, work, gym, day care, park, soccer field, parents or children's homes - any address of interest to you!